For all the #NastyWomen (or anyone who can say #MeToo) looking for #GirlsLikeUs, wondering why #NeverthelessShePersisted, who want to #AskHerMore: Revolt.
Exhilaratingly wild, fearless and playful, REVOLT. SHE SAID. REVOLT AGAIN. is feminism at its messy edge. Alice Birch morphs language and explodes boundaries in this darkly comic manifesto exploring the myriad ways women are styled, shaped, and confined to fit society’s expectations, asking us: What happens when we rebel?
This play runs 70 minutes with no intermission.
CW: Descriptions of sexual assault; fake blood; strobe lighting effects.
Featuring: Karla Acosta, Gabriel Christian, Cat Luedtke, Leigh Rondon-Davis, Soren Santos, Elissa Beth Stebbins
Assistant Director: Ariana Johnson
Dramaturg: Maddie Gaw
Scenic Design: Justine Law
Costume Design: Keiko Shimosato Carreiro★
Lighting Design: Dylan Feldman
Sound Design: Cliff Caruthers
Props Design: Adeline N Smith★
Stage Manager: Benjamin Shiu★
Assistant Stage Manager: Breanna Kitty Dacey
Production Manager: Stephanie Alyson Henderson★
★ Crowded Fire Resident Artist
“… couldn’t be more apropos for today’s #MeToo movement, or for the adventurous, women-run Crowded Fire.”
Jean Schiffman, San Francisco Examiner
“You can tell a show is genuinely radical when it somehow both scares you and instills in you the thrill of power… This whirlwind collage of scenes, this anarchic cacophony of a play is that rare theatrical work that lives up to the revolutionary promise of its title.”
Lily Janiak, San Francisco Chronicle
“… a call for another kind of revolution for the theater world.”
Kim Waldron, Theatrius
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Andrew Sullivan
Pepi Ross and Jason Marks
Steven Collier
Graham Gockley
Karena Fiorenza and Emrys Ingersoll
Dugan Moore
Tina Brier & David Shapiro
Celine and Dan Shimizu
Joseph Mallon & Susanne Trowbridge
Crowded Fire is a resident company of Potrero Stage, operated by PlayGround. This production is made possible in part through the Potrero Stage Presenting Program.