Lauren Gunderson crafts a hilarious revenge comedy in this witty, moving, and razor sharp feminist power-ballad set in the North Georgian mountains with a Jacobean tragi-comedy twist! Nan Carter is smart, sassy, and resourceful. Inspired by a single stage direction in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, she sets out to teach her abusive husband a lesson. Nan can quote Shakespeare and Jimmy Carter, save a house cat and her life, and maybe even change the world.
Featuring: Erin Gilley+, Patrick Jones*, Andrea Snow, Reggie D. White
Scenic Design: Emily Greene+
Light Design: Jarrod Green+
Costume Design: Wendy Lynn
Sound Design: Madeleine Oldham
Props Design: Tunuviel Luv
Production Manager: Jason Nall+
Technical Director: Andrew Fitts
Stage Manager: Stephanie Alyson Henderson+
Assistant Stage Manager: Kayla Miller