As a shadowy group of American power brokers meet to discuss how to hasten the “end times,” a young man named Juan Gelion returns to a small Latin American island and begins to heal the sick. This stunning, hilarious, and disturbing play explores the role of religion in U.S. politics through the adventures of a reluctant messiah, his crazy band of disciples, and the American evangelists who assemble to destroy him.
Featuring: Laura Jane Bailey, Jesse Caldwell*, Alexandra Creighton+, Paul Lancour+, Wendy Marinaccio, Johnny Moreno*, Hector Osorio, Deborah Pardes, Lawrence Radecker, Nick Sholley*, Juliet Tanner+
Scenic Design: James J. Fenton
Light Design: Heather Basarab+
Costume Design: Leah Marthinsen
Sound Design: Yvette Jackson
Props Design: Ryan Parham
Dramaturg: Duca Knezevic
Choreographer: Cassie Beck+
Fight Choreographer: Michael Storm
Assistant Director: Jarred Fischer+
Production Manager: Chris Rader
Composer: Deborah Pardes
Stage Manager: Amanda Melton
Assistant Stage Manager: Kathleen Schumacher
“unusually and unexpectedly compelling drama….It’s a brave foray into the religious — or religiosity — warfare undermining much of American politics.” Rob Hurwitt, SF Chronicle
“infectious spirit and fearless stands on difficult issues send a powerful message to today’s troubled world” Charles Brousse, Marin Independent Journal