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World Premiere

limp wrist on the lever

By Preston Choi
Directed by Becca Wolff
Sep 11–Oct 4 · At Potrero Stage · Directions

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Preston Choi

Change… by any means necessary.

This raucous dark comedy by rising star Preston Choi puts teens at the helm of a revolution. A queer trio’s escape plan from a conversion camp takes a left turn as they face off against a straight-laced counselor with an unusual sadistic streak. limp wrist on the lever questions the necessity of violence and the paradox of tolerance, with the ever-present doubt: how can you ever be sure you’ve really changed someone’s mind?

About the Playwright

Preston Choi (he/him) is a Los Angeles-based playwright whose work focuses on social science fiction, Asian-American/mixed race/queer lives, and the horror of being alive. His plays include Happy Birthday Mars Rover (2022 Planet Earth Arts Playwriting Award, 2022 Darrell Ayers Playwriting Award), performing class (2021-2022 NNPN Bridge Program, 2020-2021 Playwrights Realm Scratchpad Series), A Great Migration or The Migratory Patterns of the North American Monarch Butterfly and the Development of Fatherless Sons (2021 Paul Stephen Lim Playwriting Award, 2019 NNPN National New Play Showcase, 2017 Agnes Nixon Award), and This Is Not A True Story (2018 CAATA ConFest). His plays have been developed with Interact Theatre, Sideshow Theatre, Artist at Play, Silk Road Rising, CAATA, The Passage Theatre, and Our Perspective. He received a BS in Theatre from Northwestern University and an MFA in Playwriting from UC San Diego.

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Crowded Fire Organization Funders
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation