An intimate journey into the friendship of two young girls growing up amidst the wreckage of a fictional third-world nation. Belly and Moth peer through the windows of an internet café, the only remnant of technology left, hoping to cross over into the mysterious realms they can glimpse on the screen. When Leather arrives from the other side of the river to do research on their culture, their encounter threatens to explode everyone’s ideas of history, and forge a connection that will save them all.
Featuring: Cassie Beck*+, Paul Lancour+, Juliet Tanner+
Scenic Design: Joel Frangquist
Light Design: Heather Basarab+
Costume Design: Bree Hylkema+
Sound Design: Cliff Caruthers & Kristin Miltner
Video Design: elastic future
Technical Director: Megan Brooks
Stage Manager:
Assistant Stage Manager:
“Bold and engaging, We Are Not These Hands is as fun as it is engaging…Rich in detail and full of humor and pathos.” – Oakland Tribune